Time goes by so fast! It seems not that long ago that none of you had kids and CJ and I were following you around to all of your highschool activites. Look at as now with all of our kids. It is fun to see all of the little ones on here and hear how they are doing. We are doing great. Haden is quite the little reader and wants to read everything no more spelling over his head. LOL
Cash wants to be just as big and smart as his big brother and so tries to spell the word or answer the question first. He has just learned to ride his bike without training wheels.
Porter doesn't really care what is going on around him. He just does his own thing. He isn't to sure about school but he is always up for going, going going anywhere that anyone is willing to take him.
o my goodness!! YOUR boys are SOOO sticking cute!! I just love them to pieces and want to squeeze them!! :)
You are the best big sister ever hope you know! Sure do love Ya!
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